Disney Half, Etc.

Fundraising is tough!! Wow, I only have the utmost respect for those people who constantly do this as part of your job etc. I HATE bugging people about things like this, which is ironic, since I am in sales. But that it what I must continue to do.. until you Read more…

Type A Plus : ‘Be-er’ versus ‘Doer’

My fellow Type A kindred spirit…. Type A from Wikipedia: “The theory describes a Type A individual as ambitious, aggressive, business-like, controlling, highly competitive, impatient, preoccupied with his or her status, time-conscious, and tightly-wound. People with Type A personalities are often high-achieving “workaholics” who multi-task, push themselves with deadlines, and hate both Read more…

On Turkey Trotting and Thankfulness

My Google reader cache is filled with thankfulness posts this weekend. I had the opportunity yesterday to truly experience thankfulness. My sister-in-law hosted a massive thanksgiving crowd. Included were an exchange student from Saudi Arabia who is living with them, and a family of refugees from Iraq. Hearing the story Read more…