Attacking your Weakness- The Run

Published by Bethany on

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This is the second post in our four part series about attacking your weaknesses during the off-season. If you missed part 1 of working on your weakness, be sure to check it out!

Let’s say the run is dragging you down and you’re ready to do something about it. There are a number of different approaches to take with this goal. This article will assume that your primary goal is to perform well during triathlons and that you’re not a pure runner. However, If you primarily consider yourself a runner who dabbles in triathlon, or you just have the strong desire to marathon and are relatively injury free. then ignore this advice and keep running.

For triathlon your run goals are a little bit different and thus your needs are different as well. Of the tenets of training you can manipulate, volume, intensity, duration, and frequency one of the most underrated and underutilized variables, in my opinion, is frequency. Many triathletes fall into the trap of infrequent runs that are then too intense or long for their training to support. One examples that I have seen often is the athlete who will do a very long run on the weekend and perhaps …read more


Categories: Articles


Hi, I’m Bethany–coach, author of Courage to Tri, 2x Kona qualifier, and twin mom. In a decade of coaching and racing triathlon around the world—from first sprint to IRONMAN Hawaii—I learned a ton about mindset: finding your why, sustaining motivation, overcoming obstacles, and goal setting. Now, I help writers, solopreneurs, and athletes reach their goals using the same process.