best dog in the world

In Memory of My Lady, Sadie

For nearly thirteen years we loved you in a simple uncomplicated way that maybe you can only love an animal. When you were a puppy, I picked you up at the airport in Fayetteville NC and you were so scared to come out of your crate. Soon though you found your way into our hearts. I’d never known love quite like that before and I grew to call you “my heart,” along with many other things. In fact, I don’t think a dog has ever had so many nicknames, or as many song lyrics changed so they were about you …

Stay in the Crosswalk

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2625″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]I learned exactly one thing from my brief stint in law school and it can be summed up in four words: stay in the crosswalk. In the original context, it had something to do with torts, negligence, and what to do if you’re a pedestrian in the process of getting hit by a car.  “Stay in the crosswalk.”  My torts professor was not suggesting we vault the car in an insane parkour move or stop it with telekinesis— both improbable scenarios. Instead, he charged us with one simple piece of a much larger chain of events; the only …

The Courage to Tri: Lauren Fogarty

After qualifying for Boston in a surprise perfect race in 2013 then suffering a race week injury, Lauren thought she may have missed her shot. After years of setbacks and heartbreak, perseverance eventually led to success. Here’s more of Lauren’s story.   My Boston journey isn’t a story about overcoming a life-threatening condition, returning from service overseas, or turning one’s life around; it is far less impressive.  My Boston journey is merely one humble school teacher’s story of good ol’ dogged determination.     Running had always been my favorite form of exercise, but I’d never run competitively until I began …

The Courage to Tri: Allie Bachelder

Allie Bachelder is a mom of four, swim coach, and avid triathlete. Living in the small town of Decorah Iowa, Allie didn’t know anyone involved in triathlon when she first started tri-ing. Since, I’ve remained impressed with Allie. She’s overcome hardship and has some great advice for women looking to tackle their first finish line. More about Allie below:   What’s been your highlight in the sport thus far? I qualified for USAT nationals in 2014 which was the first year I started racing triathlons. At the time, I  didn’t understand what it was but I was super happy to have …

Time Saving Hacks for Training 2.0

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A few years ago, I wrote a post on time saving hacks for training. I wanted to update it for The Courage to Tri, the message being that there are always ways to make something more time efficient. Though nowadays, I’m doing more exercising than training, and I’m trying to preserve time for writing instead of six hour bike rides, some of the tips are the same. While writing up tips I started wondering where on the scale my time saving tips fall, from things-everyone-does to extreme. How do you save time for things that are important to you? [/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading …

The Courage to Tri: Lindsay Waibel

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Lindsay Waibel – Overcoming the Pain of Divorce From overcoming hardship to crossing a finish line   In her mid- thirties, Lindsay unexpectedly found herself facing a divorce.  Looking for something to improve her self- confidence, she secretly signed herself up for a half marathon four months away. She didn’t have a fancy training plan or much of a plan at all at first. “I just put on my running shoes and see how far I could run, going further each time. “ [/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”“ I had lost a little bit of who I was and I didn’t even …