What Chattanooga 70.3 Meant to Me

Published by Bethany on

It took me awhile to absorb the full impact of what Chattanooga 70.3 meant to be this year. For starters, it was the first ‘big’ race where I truly felt like myself in a few years. Now I feel like I keep saying that but the truth is, it’s hard to remember what feeling good felt like until you get there again. As time passed, with each degree of feeling more like my old self health wise, I thought maybe I had arrived. But by the grace of God, I have continued to march towards the place I once took for granted. To be healthy enough to go hard without reservations and doubt.

Chattanooga was also special because we had such an amazing team of athletes racing. Not only amazing in terms of speed but simply an amazing group of people. Chattanooga was good to us this year. We were proud to add to the group of athletes headed to the World Championships in the fall taking the Energy Lab total to seven: Meg Geshay, Deirdre DeKock, Tim Myers, Cori James, Amy Stanton, Carrie Smith, Kathryn Taylor, and myself.

Categories: 2017Race Results


Hi, I’m Bethany–coach, author of Courage to Tri, 2x Kona qualifier, and twin mom. In a decade of coaching and racing triathlon around the world—from first sprint to IRONMAN Hawaii—I learned a ton about mindset: finding your why, sustaining motivation, overcoming obstacles, and goal setting. Now, I help writers, solopreneurs, and athletes reach their goals using the same process.