Lesson #2: An Unexpected Detour

Published by Bethany on

While writing Courage to Tri, I learned a number of lessons that apply to triathlon and way beyond. The first was that being a newbie—at anything—is hard. The second is that almost-nothing goes as planned!

This week, J and I had out-of-town plans for the fourth. I thought I’d launching my book and celebrating a July 1st pubdate.

But life is full of detours and this week has been no exception. For the last few days, I’ve been posting up in Labor and Delivery at Piedmont Hospital instead–the ultimate detour–and it turns out my book baby has been delayed for a few days as well! (If you already ordered, don’t worry, it just shipped a few days late. And if you’ve been waiting for the ebook version, I should know the due date very soon!)

Two weeks ago, I enjoyed a great week at the beach with my family. Last Sunday, John and I both noticed feeling more tired than usual. John started coughing and became sick with a URI and I followed. I figured it was viral and would run it’s course. But by Thursday, I could barely move around the house. Finally on Sunday, I dragged myself to urgent care.

There my strep test was negative, but my blood pressure was alarming enough for them to contact the on-call OB at Piedmont and I ended up with a vacation in Labor and Delivery. So far, tests have looked good, and my blood pressure is gradually coming down as the virus leaves my system. The boys don’t appear to be in any distress, which is a huge blessing. Today I get to go home, with a promise not to do anything too strenuous.

So thankful for a lot of things. I’m thankful for insurance that allowed me to stay here. Really…I told John if you could overlook just a few tiny things like the fact that you can barely get out of bed without coughing a lung up–it would be like a relaxing stay in a nice hotel!

For amazing friends and family who are willing to step in and cover things.

For the fact we have definitely met our out-of-pocket max–so I can order a second serving of chicken broth guilt free!

For the fact that my friend from the tri club just happened to be my nurse, though it is a tiny bit weird to have someone you know cataloguing all your urine output.

Most of all thankful that the boys seem to be doing fine and growing fine.




Hi, I’m Bethany–coach, author of Courage to Tri, 2x Kona qualifier, and twin mom. In a decade of coaching and racing triathlon around the world—from first sprint to IRONMAN Hawaii—I learned a ton about mindset: finding your why, sustaining motivation, overcoming obstacles, and goal setting. Now, I help writers, solopreneurs, and athletes reach their goals using the same process.