Medically Unnecessary

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Medically Unnecessary – not “reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury.” When I stumbled into wellstar urgent care on July 1st, it was for viral symptoms–lethargy, congestion, couldn’t-move-without-hacking type stuff. I had held off for a few weeks, expecting the virus to run course, but finally Read more…

Lesson #2: An Unexpected Detour

While writing Courage to Tri, I learned a number of lessons that apply to triathlon and way beyond. The first was that being a newbie—at anything—is hard. The second is that almost-nothing goes as planned! This week, J and I had out-of-town plans for the fourth. I thought I’d launching my book and celebrating a July 1st pubdate. But Read more…