5 secrets and twin pregnancy tips you need to know

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so you can start crushing it today!

Whether you just found out you’re pregnant with twins, or are terrified you might be, you likely have TONS of questions. Here are five secrets–aka twin pregnancy tips–I wish I’d known in order to be prepared. These will get you ahead of the curve so you can start crushing your twin pregnancy today.

When I saw the ultrasound tech pointing to two sacs and two tiny heartbeats, I felt a range of emotions from elation to fear. Of course I immediately googled ‘what’s it like to be pregnant with twins’ and ‘twin pregnancy tips.’ But nothing could have prepared me for the actual experience. Here are six ways that my twin pregnancy seemed different than friends who’d experienced pregnancy with a singleton.

You need new clothes sooner

One surprise I experienced was how quickly my old clothes were no longer suitable. My friends were fitting into their skinny jeans five months along whereas I was like ‘what are pants’ by that point. Looking back I could have just done with bigger clothes altogether, but instead I purchased maternity clothes that accomplished the same thing. One tip for you would be to purchase maternity clothes you can grow into for awhile. That way you won’t end up buying a maternity wardrobe twice!

Don’t make the mistake I did. I bought a bunch of loser maternity clothes before I discovered these four dresses that were everything and through delivery and beyond. [Like, seriously, I’m still wearing them six months later.]

 You may want to announce your pregnancy sooner

I announced my pregnancy at about ten weeks. Not only was I skipping all my normal activities, I had a pooch already by that point. Your mileage may vary.

You feel symptoms more strongly

I was fortunate to do without much morning sickness. My biggest symptom in the beginning was actually my out-of-breathness I felt from day one. I was an IRONMAN triathlete and long-time coach prior to pregnancy, yet on day one of my twin pregnancy, I had to take a break while climbing stairs!

You spend more money

The good news is you don’t need double of everything. The bad news is you need double of many things. A few things I did to save money were join a local twin group (secondhand bargains), scour coupons, and use an Amazon baby registry. Their registry offers a completion discount, plus they throw in a welcome box and a ton of other freebies. [Note: I earn a small comission if you sign up for your registry through this link.]

Don’t make the mistake I made and register for everything suggested. Here are my top 9 essentials for your nursery checklist with a free printable.

Your stint as pregnant-woman is shorter

For better or worse, you may be pregnant weeks less than forty. In my case, I had IVF so between my embryo transfer (after transfer you are already considered a few weeks pregnant + the days it took to grow the embryos), and a premature delivery, I was only pregnant for about six months.

Be sure you’re ready for the maternity ward and don’t show up with all the wrong things like I did. Here were the five essentials I Amazon primed straight to the hospital.

You can cancel everything

One of the best things about being pregnant with twins is you have an excuse to opt out of anything at all you don’t want to do. It’s okay to say no!

Though there are many differences with a twin pregnancy–both positive and negative–enjoy the experience if you can with these twin pregnancy tips. It is a special time you’ll likely only have once.

more info for your twin pregnancy:

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Hi, I’m Bethany–coach, author of Courage to Tri, 2x Kona qualifier, and twin mom. I believe if you have a body you’re an athlete. Grab my free 5k plan to start your own athletic journey.


Hi, I’m Bethany–coach, author of Courage to Tri, 2x Kona qualifier, and twin mom. In a decade of coaching and racing triathlon around the world—from first sprint to IRONMAN Hawaii—I learned a ton about mindset: finding your why, sustaining motivation, overcoming obstacles, and goal setting. Now, I help writers, solopreneurs, and athletes reach their goals using the same process.


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